

Generative AI allows questions and conversations with reference to specific sentences.
Real Estate
Background When reviewing a company's manuals and other documents, it can be time-consuming to search for which manual to refer to or which part of the manual to refer to. This solution, "dialof," allows users to upload a manual or other text, and the generated AI will answer questions while referring to the text. The location of the original references that provide the basis for the answers is also displayed, so that the answers can be checked by human eyes to ensure that they are correct. This solution is expected to reduce the time and effort required to extract information from the texts in one's possession. How to use the solution (1) Upload the text you want to refer to. (2) Ask questions about the text.

Basic Plan: see SaaS page for monthly fees. 1 week free trial available. Enterprise Plan: Estimate required. We can provide a flexible system that meets your requirements by utilizing this technology. Please proceed to the SaaS page for a quote.