
The latest VR and AR applications in the architectural and civil engineering fields

This section provides an overview of a wide range of VR and AR applications.

What is VR/AR?

Definition of VR and AR

The definitions of VR and AR are as follows: (X. Li et al., 2018)

  • VR (virtual reality) is the generation of an immersive environment
  • AR (augmented reality) is the integration of images of virtual objects into the real world

Example of VR; the user wears a headset and is immersed in a digital space

Example of AR; digital information is projected onto reality through AR glasses.

History of VR and AR

The concept of VR was brought up in the 1960s when the first immersive human-computer interaction (HCI) mockup named "Man-Machine Graphical Communication System" was invented(X. Li et al., 2018) The formal term for VR was introduced in 1989; more recently, cloud VR/AR solutions based on fifth generation (5G) networks and edge cloud technology have emerged to accelerate VR/AR applications and enhance user experience (Pan & Zhang, 2021).

How VR/AR hardware and software works (X. Li et al., 2018)

Types of VR/AR

  • Desktop VR: is VR that uses a simple computer monitor as a platform to house virtual activities; desktop VR displays a 3D virtual world on a desktop screen without any tracking devices.
  • Immersive VR: This uses specialized hardware, such as a head-mounted device (HMD) or sensor glove, to separate the user from the physical world and provide an immersive environment.
  • 3D game-type VR: 3D game technology that aims to enhance user interaction, and is VR that can play games that integrate video technology, interactive technology, network technology, and multi-user operation technology.
  • BIM-enabled VR: This VR emphasizes the linkage of data behind it more than other VR categories and can simulate construction processes and operations based on BIM models.

Existing VR/AR Devices

A list of VR/AR systems and providers is shown in the figure below.

List of VR/AR systems and providers (X. Li et al., 2018)

Advantages of VR/AR in the architectural and civil engineering domain

The benefits of VR/AR in the architectural and civil engineering domain, categorized from the perspective of clients, construction companies, and workers, include the following

  • Client's perspective
  • Better understanding of the project(Pan & Zhang, 2021)
  • Construction company perspective
  • Facilitates inspection, control, and evaluation of progress ( Pan & Zhang, 2021)
  • Can be used to simulate hazardous construction scenarios, making it easier for managers to recognize underlying hazards and problems in the work environment and develop rational plans and countermeasures in advance of incidents in a visual and interactive way(X. Li et al., 2018)
  • The integration of cloud VR/AR and BIM can visualize the physical context of construction activities and immerse them in the real environment, making the complex interdependencies between tasks clearer and easier to assemble in the field with fewer unnecessary mistakes(X. Wang et al., 2013, 2014 )
  • Worker Perspective.
  • Enables better training (Pan & Zhang, 2021; P. Wang et al., 2018)

VR and AR applications in the architectural and civil engineering domain

This section describes how VR and AR have been used in the architectural and civil engineering domain, which is divided into three processes: planning and design process, construction process, and operation and maintenance process.

Planning and Design Process

Architectural and Urban Design

  • In architectural design, BIM is used to improve design graphics, confirm modeling, and model objects (Zhou et al., 2012)
  • Demonstrates the use of BIM games in the architectural design process, allowing users to view models from first and third person perspectives (Yan et al., 2011)

A tool that projects design models onto the job site with a dedicated AR-attached helmet (XYZ Reality, US)

A service that allows users to place furniture in VR space by uploading photos of the job site (Apply Design, US)

Risk identification

  • Utilization of cave-type virtual environments (CAVEs) enabled users to assess higher risk levels and identify more hazards than users who studied photos and documents (Perlman et al., 2014)

Structural analysis

  • The 3Dization of structures, including an animation process on the stresses and strains of the structure, is used to help students learn about structural analysis (Young et al., 2012)

Client interviews

  • Utilized in surveys to quantify participant responses using interviews, questionnaires, and Likert scales(Salinas et al., 2022)

Construction process

Education and training

  • Using a system to train employees on tower crane dismantling procedures (MVSTS), post-training questionnaires showed that this method performed better than traditional training methods (H. Li et al., 2012 )

Safety inspection and guidance

  • Building Diagnosis with AR
  • Building inspectors use AR to quickly assess and quantify structural damage sustained during seismic events such as earthquakes and blasts (Dong et al., 2013)

Construction progress can be checked from cameras installed on site supervisors' helmets (OpenSpace, US)

3D remote construction management tool including point cloud data (mign, Japan)

Measurement of biometric data

  • Measure heart rate while performing activities at high altitude in an immersive VR environment. (Jeon & Cai, 2021)

Operation and maintenance process

Structural health monitoring

  • Data management and visualization for structural inspection monitoring using BIM and virtual/augmented reality
  • Use in research in heritage and archaeology(Remondino & Campana, 2014)


In this section, we have organized VR and AR applications in three areas of architecture and civil engineering: planning and design process, construction process, and operation and maintenance management process. it is expected that VR and AR will continue to develop rapidly and be used in a variety of situations in the future.


Dong, S., Feng, C., & Kamat, V. R. (2013). sensitivity analysis of augmented reality-assisted building damage reconnaissance using virtual prototyping. Automation in Construction, 33, 24-36.

Jeon, J., & Cai, H. (2021). Classification of construction hazard-related perceptions using: wearable electroencephalogram and virtual reality. Automation in Construction, 132, 103975.

Li, H., Chan, G., & Skitmore, M. (2012). Multiuser virtual safety training system for tower crane dismantlement. Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering, 26 (5), 638-647.

Li, X., Yi, W., Chi, H.-L., Wang, X., & Chan, A. P. C. (2018). A critical review of virtual and augmented reality (VR/AR) applications in construction safety. Automation in Construction, 86, 150-162.

Pan, Y., & Zhang, L. (2021). Roles of artificial intelligence in construction engineering and management: A critical review and future trends. Automation in Construction, 122, 103517.

Perlman, A., Sacks, R., & Barak, R. (2014). Hazard recognition and risk perception in construction. Safety Science, 64, 22-31.

Remondino, F., & Campana, S. (2014). 3D Recording and Modelling in Archaeology and Cultural Heritage: Theory and Best Practices. Archaeopress.

Salinas, D., Muñoz-La Rivera, F., & Mora-Serrano, J. (2022). Critical Analysis of the Evaluation Methods of Extended Reality (XR) Experiences for Construction Safety. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19 (22).

Wang, P., Wu, P., Wang, J., Chi, H.-L., & Wang, X. (2018). A Critical Review of the Use of Virtual Reality in Construction Engineering Education and Training. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 15 (6).

Wang, X., Love, P. E. D., Kim, M. J., Park, C.-S., Sing, C.-P., & Hou, L. (2013). A conceptual framework for integrating building information modeling with augmented reality. Automation in Construction, 34, 37-44.

Wang, X., Truijens, M., Hou, L., Wang, Y., & Zhou, Y. (2014). Integrating Augmented Reality with Building Information Modeling: Onsite construction process controlling for liquefied natural gas industry. Automation in Construction, 40, 96-105.

Yan, W., Culp, C., & Graf, R. (2011). Integrating BIM and gaming for real-time interactive architectural visualization. Automation in Construction, 20 (4), 446-458.

Young, B., Ellobody, E., & Hu, T. W. C. (2012). 3D visualization of structures using finite-element analysis in teaching. Journal of Professional Issues in Engineering Education and Practice, 138 (2), 131-138.

Zhou, W., Whyte, J., & Sacks, R. (2012). Construction safety and digital design: A review. Automation in Construction, 22, 102-111.

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